Hello again :)
Well, the Welcome Week is over. Today we were to Chatsworth. Fabulous! Pictures can be found at http://picasaweb.google.com/marinov.jane/20070915 and again, I'll add the descriptions later. It was really perfect, much similar to my previous visit to Blenheim (http://www.blenheimpalace.com/), again really great house and marvellous gardens. I was totally amazed by the maze . We were stuck there for twenty minutes before we found the way to the centre. Thrilling.
The whole week was really great. Basically we had lectures on every aspect of our new university life. We were warmly welcomed by the whole International Office. We've been given information on living in .
I've especially liked the lecture by Mr Kevin Bampton on Students' Rights and Responsibilities. The guy was terrific. He could sell charisma and wit. Strict to some extent, but also very pleasant. He told us some really important things the way we could laugh, but we also knew it is really serious.
All the people here are really nice, I'm afraid coming back to
Also, our flat is finally fully inhabited. Nacho had to move (the same problem as me, he was given the wrong room), but there are two new girls - Louise and Asha, both from BTW, the prices - my beloved Smirnoff vodka has gone a little bit up, it does no more cost £1.50 but £3.20... Beer is a little bit cheaper, at that place it was about £3.00, in our Students' Union Bar I can get a pint of Stella for £2.00. Also buying alcohol in shops is not so bad, you can get a bottle of wine at around £2.50 - I have to check this first, we haven't bought so many things yet.
Pheeew, how come it is half past twelve again? Tomorrow I'm meeting Jana, girl from the C.R. that comes back to ). And then the paaaaaartyyyyyyyyyy
Well, I'm off to bed, sweet dreams to everybody
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