I'm so sorry, babies, I just could not find time any sooner.
I'm still perfectly alright, full of new experience to write about I shall take it chronologically.
I was to the Pictures are still in production, I'll show you later who's running it and what does it look like. (still got only a part, hopefully add the rest soon - http://picasaweb.google.com/marinov.jane/20070923)
Monday and Tuesday were dedicated to the Freshers Fair. It is a big event where you get loads of freebies (my Czech-Jewish soul was overflowing with joy) and you find information about all those societies that are run at the uni. Yeah, the societies will be probably what I'll miss the most at home. Yes, we have councils and 5P but this is something so unique. Just imagine it, there was a Women's Rugby Society. I'm wearing skirt, pink trainers, carrying bright orange bag, I've got long pink fingernails and inverted bob dyed dark red ... and there she goes and thinks I could be a good rugby player. I actually didn't go to the training, just the thought makes me laugh. I'm really more of a yoga person, not really a team player.
On Tuesday and Thursday I've been to classes for the first time and I'm really excited. I know I'll have to work really hard, but the way the lectures are run makes me really happy. I especially liked Writing Workshop, I guess it is really it - the thing that will help me to write again.
I took some more pictures of
I know I came here to represent the Again, I must say how much I love First Floor. I heard there are some more rock clubs in
Back to the societies, I actually joined one of them. It is the LGBT Society. If you wonder what it means - yeah, the initials stand for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
I was so astonished that anything like that could ever exist that I just had to join. Anyway, I guess it is no surprise to people who know me. The first meeting was real fun. Seeing all those proud people makes me so happy. I was so amazed when one of my mates asked me if I were a lesbian and actually looked disappointed when I told him I was not.
I think I'm really lucky to be part of the society.
On Saturday we were to Peak District again - you can have a look at http://picasaweb.google.com/marinov.jane/20070929. It started with a little bit of misunderstanding, but everyone found a fine way after all, so we were all happy
The following two days actually so happy weren't. As you probably know, I'm staying at the halls of residence (pictures posted some time ago). The regulations here are almost insane about protection against fire. It would be really reasonable if the fire alarms would not go off without a reason. Just one fire alarm broken and we had fun for the whole time. We started on Saturday, or rather Sunday at 2:00 am, continued at about noon, number 3 was at 7:00 pm, number 4 decorated Monday at 5:00 am, number 5 at 5:30 am, number 6 at 10:30 am, number 7 at 11:00 am. I was soooooo happy I got so scared when they tested the alarm today (it happens every week at the same time), I really thought it has started again. But living here isn't so bad. You get free calls around the campus - thus I spend tens of minutes chatting with Kate every day. Also I had some problems with heating in my room - a week later I've got a completely new heater. But the money is really bad. I've paid for my accommodation today, which makes me really poor and devoted to seeking for a job.
Yeah, and that's about it, I'll finish watching my movie and better start reading stuff for tomorrow. You never know when you're going to be asked about something you don't have a clue about.
Take care and wish me luck.
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