is still sick as a parrot.
would never be bulimic.
just started losing her voice cause there's nothing more exciting for a person earning their living by speaking.
sometimes doesn't like her job as much..
is still shattered from yesterday's trip to London. But it's back to work now :(
London, half of the people are Spanish, the rest are jogging-on-concrete fanatics.. Not my cup of tea..
everything's fine now, BT was just 25 hours late.
for a reason unrelated to BT has an image of Clint Eastwood polishing his shotgun on the front porch stuck in her head.
is waiting for the BT engineer and swears if he doesn't show up again, hell will break loose.
doesn't like her honey being poorly :(
Seriously, has there ever been a more awesome movie than Pitch Black?
is very proud of her lover and his cookie baking skills.
saw The Expendables poster and just cannot wait..
Dear Sky and BT Openreach, at least set your lies straight if you're so damn trying not to be funny.
Fucking Sky!!!!!
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