- Needs to watch more Jerry Springer, just caught two naked girls fighting at not even 6pm. LOL
- I get the feeling there might be a baby boom in about 9 months time. Snowed in, telly crap...
- no more of that white shit PLEASE!
- RIP Leslie Nielsen :(
- is realy glad she has Shaved Bieber installed in her browser.
- Stupid Vanilla Sky, gets me every time :(
- come on sun, melt that white shit!
- working in bed is fun. Even though feeling a bit better to work somewhere else would be fun too.
- back at work after 9 days... Weird...
- omg, this is bad. http://io9.com/5696762/ Hope Joss Whedon really makes that Batman movie :-D
- Hopes that the guys who stole the fags from her luggage enjoyed them. And must only laugh that they didn't go for the more expensive stuff..
- Midlands just redefined foggy.. And bloody Czechs being morons and drinking vodka before passport control.. Not fun today..
- Is pissed solid.
- loved Justin Bieber's cameo on South Park.
- just found everything she was looking for (apart from that damned gown belt).
- feels foreign and weird.
- Is boarding :'(
- Stopped panicing and is sitting at the airport now. The flight is half an hour delayed but who would care Edward Cullen is there as well.
- won't be roaming this time, because she refuses bribing T-Mobile... So if you want to be in touch, I'll be on Facebook or my Czech number...
- is going to answer your questions tomoz! Sorry for not sharing my plans on being in Prague, but the main reason is I don't have them yet :(
- really cannot afford to be sleepy now :(
- Damn you Grey's Anatomy for making your new season so emotional again.. Welcome back to the top..
- earned almost as much money as last month in just 12 days. Fucking busy month! Just one more gig and the H O L I D A Y!!!
- just found out her and Kate are on a picture http://www.derby.ac.uk/humanities/history Damn you Marketing, not asking me for permission lol
- Haven't been in a such good mood in ages. It must be because someone special has his birthday today.
- Is terrified by seeing patients with the same condition, just more progressed, and wishes her doctor started listening to her..
- Needs to start working on her Polish.
- It is so going to snow.. Can you feel it? I sure can.. I am so going to freeze to death when I go home..
- just realised she'll see the TV tower in just 7 days :'o)
- A monkey that has never been in London would know that you never drive across the city, you drive around.
- How can you be paid for driving when you have no sense of orientation and your GPS must be called The Longest Shortcut? I just don't get it.
- Remember, remember the fifth of November! Anybody know how to get a minimodel of the Houses of Parliament?
- loves the new FB Friendship Freature. Very creepy, very lovely :)
- Is it the Night of the Living Drunk tonight or what?
- Trent Barton, you make my life so complicated it's not even funny.
November 2010
October 2010
- has an achy back and is in a grumpy mood.
- Behind a bar after a year and a month.. Fun!
- with the weather being like this cold, homemade latkas are the right way to go.
- has to go home. Pronto.
- is not really happy with her GP right now.
- Les Jeux Sans Frontieres for the win!
- is so so sick. Damn you, community beer cans!
- What is it with men and their disbelief when you say "that does not fit there"?
- caught the manflu from her lovely flatmates :)
- Complained to trent barton and buses are back to 8-minute intervals.. Coincidence? Hope not.
- Just found some confetti from New Year's Eve in her coat.. Fun times..
- Buses in 45 minute intervals - the very good hospital connection
- There's nothing more peaceful than starting Sunday with a christian lady explaining to a muslim imam that muslim science is outdated.
- needs 19 Oct to come a bit quicker.
- loves when she knows the diagnosis before the doctor says it out loud.
- blast from the past!
- dear weather forecast people, do you still think we won't have enough water this year? look out of the window, if you do.
- got the equipment for diy photography now, thanks to Mr Edge! And a nice dinner too!
- has gotten completely drenched four times today and still needs to run some more errands :(
September 2010
- is really fed up with her knees hurting. Ouch ouch ouch.
- Seriously, there's like 2 degrees outside and there's still women in hotpants and t-shirts, no leggings.. What's wrong with you guys?
- wisher her dream of having a 1000 quid in her account came true asap.
- there's one thing I miss about not being 15 - staying up so late to watch Superrock on MTV,being mad about Kittie, Nirvana, silverchair etc.
- is thinking about finally setting up her own darkroom. Tips?
- has a wish for tomorrow..
- why has everybody on X Factor have the urge to sing Lady Gaga?
- yet another amazing Derby Feste!
- gave blood today.
- has real trouble focusing. What a mental week so far.
- is seriously scared by Jamie Oliver's American Food Revolution.
- is surprisingly serene even though what was seen cannot be unseen.
- is so sore from last night and cannot wait to be in bed again :(
- Mrs Kaplicka proves to be a competent and helpful person yet again! God bless our wonderful university!
- just saw the best episode of South Park ever!
- hates being pissed off and having no clue how to change things.Wish people would realise having certificates doesn't make good interpreters.
- has done fuck nothing all day.
- you're still remembered.. hope you know now.. x
- has her own eyelet pliers!
- fucking council tax, invented purely to torment people with red tape and bollocks
- loves her job so much it scares her.
August 2010
is still sick as a parrot.
would never be bulimic.
just started losing her voice cause there's nothing more exciting for a person earning their living by speaking.
sometimes doesn't like her job as much..
is still shattered from yesterday's trip to London. But it's back to work now :(
London, half of the people are Spanish, the rest are jogging-on-concrete fanatics.. Not my cup of tea..
everything's fine now, BT was just 25 hours late.
for a reason unrelated to BT has an image of Clint Eastwood polishing his shotgun on the front porch stuck in her head.
is waiting for the BT engineer and swears if he doesn't show up again, hell will break loose.
doesn't like her honey being poorly :(
Seriously, has there ever been a more awesome movie than Pitch Black?
is very proud of her lover and his cookie baking skills.
saw The Expendables poster and just cannot wait..
Dear Sky and BT Openreach, at least set your lies straight if you're so damn trying not to be funny.
Fucking Sky!!!!!
would never be bulimic.
just started losing her voice cause there's nothing more exciting for a person earning their living by speaking.
sometimes doesn't like her job as much..
is still shattered from yesterday's trip to London. But it's back to work now :(
London, half of the people are Spanish, the rest are jogging-on-concrete fanatics.. Not my cup of tea..
everything's fine now, BT was just 25 hours late.
for a reason unrelated to BT has an image of Clint Eastwood polishing his shotgun on the front porch stuck in her head.
is waiting for the BT engineer and swears if he doesn't show up again, hell will break loose.
doesn't like her honey being poorly :(
Seriously, has there ever been a more awesome movie than Pitch Black?
is very proud of her lover and his cookie baking skills.
saw The Expendables poster and just cannot wait..
Dear Sky and BT Openreach, at least set your lies straight if you're so damn trying not to be funny.
Fucking Sky!!!!!
July 2010
- Dear bloody headache could you sod off already? Love, Mary
- went to see Eclipse and just was not impressed.. Too old after all..
- still no internet because BT Openreach are fucking basturds
- still no internet, but sound and happy with Frank and her perfect job
- fuck Lloyds Totally Shitty Bank and their improved security!
- has extremely long hair and is looking for someone who would cut it for free. Volunteers?
- H A T E S 0845 numbers!
June 2010
- is moving on Thursday!
- Wish us luck tomorrow 10am!
- internet in Bronwen's house, yay! hopefully the last day of homelessness on Monday, yay!
- is sat with Frank in the Arboretum watching pidgeons mate.
- has been up for more than 31 hours now but got to hold a newborn baby.
- is on her way to pick up her dearest lover!
- is so excited and cannot hide it!
- can't believe there's less than 24 hours to go!
- this time tomorrow my boyfriend will be in Venice!
- just got a reply for a flat in Derby city centre and would actually cry if she got to live there...
- house almost ready to be abandoned... still none to move to :-/
- is half dead... energy drink number three today...
- right, energy drink - check, dawson's creek - check, dinner - pending, packing - pending...
- last episode of Muneca Brava... Sad times :( Dawson's Creek, here I come!
- loves her job so much it makes her want to cry.. Happy times!
- thinks she won't get much sleep in the following five days.
- is there anybody out there who knows how to get to Ivy Health School / Ivy House School in Littleover?
- this time next week my boyfriend will finally be over here :)
- is very sorry that she didn't catch the person who decided to stick a BNP flyer through her letterbox. They'd get a bit of my French too...
- another step closer to becoming the nightmare of telesales people... telling +420234130399 to fuck off without even waiting for a greeting..
- PMS = positive mind slip, I cry like three times a day
- finally cried her way to her April salary.
- Dirty Dancing, yay!
- still no salary, I am actually feeling sick
- Alexander <3
- booked some viewings today, yay!
- comic book movie night or how to fuck up my sleeping regime completely yet again
- fuck, the flat we wanted is gone :(
- still wants to cry every time anything connected to parents comes to her mind.
- feels like proper shit. Wrapped in more shit.
- is not happy as she's been informed again how much of a disappointment she is to her parents. And that she shouldn't be snarky and take it.
- Requiem For a Dream, yet again...
- noooo, no storms, please
- loves listening to the polish couple two doors down arguing. Hearing kurva every two minutes feels like home.
- is still so hot... and in just a couple of hours my bed will turn into a frying pan again...
- screw skin cancer, I'm gonna get baked like a jacket potato today
- is wondering if she's enough of a fame whore to go and make up something for the Embarrasing Bodies team. Or just check out Dr Christian.
- why cannot I get paid like a normal person :(
- never thought there could be anything hotter than Jared Leto in Fight Club... well, How to Start a Fight Club by SuicideGirls - hot hot hot
- is there anybody out there who would like to give / lend me some PHANTOM VALLEY books?
- not only is this day shity, my knee decided to fuck me off as well
May 2010
- finally dared to eat a kiwi fruit the Australian way.
- has a man in her bed, he's hairy, grey and has a massive tail! Mary <3>
- needs to walk to work in this shitty weather. Well annoyed.
- is well annoyed.
- kind of regrets she didn't sign up for the election in London.
- to ABC and Desperate Housewives producers: please cancel the crap and end our misery, the series have been rubbish for years now.
- is buzzing. ADHD + caffeine = (big ideas / not enough time) + minor shaking
- I swear every Grey's Anatomy finale gets worse.
- is catching up on Grey's Anatomy.
- Brittany Murphy's husband was found dead today! what the fuck was wrong with that couple!??
- worked hard for her money tonight.. some people just don't see the difference between a waiter and a slave..
- Requiem For A Dream
- is .boiling. hot. fucking. heatwave. help.
- has yet again totally fucked up her sleeping regime. It'll be an interesting day tomorrow.
- is watching Pumping Iron
- just had the best nap in the world,outside on the grass in the sun and got paid for it as well. Sweet life in Derby.
- needs to fall asleep in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... DAMN!
- oreo overdose
- is going to do anything to make her love happy.
- I can see why the USA use music as a tool of torture... I've listened to a set of 10 songs for 8 hours yesterday and I hate all of them now
- what a fucking weird day today
- I swear if I hear Usher's Oh Ehm Gee one more time I'll run a projectile through my head...
- is very lazy after yesterday's marathon but has to go to work anyway.
- has had a long day of earning money, getting to know the people she's going to teach, meeting friends and getting a bike.
- is flooded with texts, answer phone messages and e-mails. Help :(
- is happy to be at home but misses Frank already. Leaving him gets more difficult every single time. Well, it was the last time, hopefully.
- is nervous.
- can't believe she's going home tonight. Or is she?
- is trying to keep herself amused as she's being taken on a trip by her parents. A guilt trip, yet again. Sad times.
- is not happy that she's in the unplanned overdraft second time this week. Where's my effin salary? :(
- spent two hours driving around Prague just to see Iron Man only to leave the cinema 5 seconds into the movie. Bloody dubbing!
- is sat at the airport drinking a lemon&honey smoothie and watching new moon. yay!
- is leaving Derby for 8 days and is going to miss all her friends :( But is looking forward to her boyfriend and the awesome time in Prague!
- less than 33 hours to go
April 2010
- last shift before HOLIDAY!
- 4:03:51:00 till Frankie boy
- 6:04:11:30 till love
- wants a puppy :(
- this is just not human :(
- Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream. (but the weather could be better)
- is falling in love with some of the flats available, but it's still too early.
- is knackered.
- just heard herself sigh when looking at a pair of shoes in some magazine and knows she won't be able to avoid shoe shopping for much longer.
- The Impossible Project finally introduced film for my camera! Happy days!
- damn you, you average thinking, racist people of the Czech Republic... you're the reason why I'll never ever come back home...
- oh.the.pounding.headache
- no. 11 tomorrow at 11
- 24:03:08:00
- desperately needs a sponsorship on a tattoo and/or piercing.
- amazing,the bus was just a couple of minutes late and I got to go for free, you still wonder why I moved?
- is not amused by people surprised by me quitting when they were supposed to be there for you 24/7, yet call you after 12 days... wtf
- after three months since cancelling my flights, easyjet decided to give me back my money, incredible!
- just remembered the sweet spring air of Prague's outskirts and can't wait to fill her lungs with it in May.
March 2010
- laptop's fucked, if you need me i'm on the phone :'(
- bmi baby's stupid website is doing my head in :o/
- damn you new moon, if only I could be ten years younger to fell less like a complete weirdo for loving you
- oh it's so beautiful outside, it's unbelievable!
- change in the layout of my time, change in the layout of my room
- all the homesickness is gone as soon as I hear the Czech accent... but at least there still the British people trying to pronounce Mydlář...
- feels so free.
- what the hell is going on today? first I get the last nudge to quit my job.. then I go to interpret for a non-existing patient.. then I find out there are two interpreters scheduled for the other patient.. then I get pulled off for a different person.. then the hospital is on fire.. then a massive traffic jam.. I just want to quit the job, I didn't care for any of the things in between..
- is watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall and it's hilarious!
- wants to watch Alexander right now. But has to get up in the morning. But cannot fall asleep. No more Lucozade for Mary.
- seconds after receiving mail from http://the-impossible-project.com/, the site's heavily overloaded. I guess I'm not the only one waiting..
- seems to be working legally for a change, just needs the paper. (And to get her ID back wouldn't be bad as well.)
- omg, supersize vs superskinny is revolting... I wanna lose like six stone now...
- cannot wait for the new Polaroid film to be released! http://the-impossible-project.com/
- my today's net hourly pay was 20p higher due to finding a quid on the floor..sad..
- has just been given instructions on feeding the pets. Yay!
- Stan Lee on The Big Bang Theory, yay!
- survived this month's pin cushion session, more to come in April, yay.
- doesn't want the morning to come and is sure she's going to pass out.
- is going to be paid about 30 quid for translating "you are not to leave your kids unsupervised". Happy days!
- is really off for the weekend..Yay, piss up!
- has just been told off by a frikkin lamp post that she's in the smoke free zone. Creepy. Big brother is watching.
- are you kidding me? is monday the "we want you to work for us" day? god, I just hate jobhunting, leave me alone or give me a full time job.
- fucking hell, is there anything you can do to make your parents happy? is there anything you can do to make them be proud of you?
- wish me luck!
- what the fuck is going on today? three jobs on hold and a fiver of credit for free thanks to tesco.
- fucking loves her life. Dip me deep in shit and then shower me with happiness. I don't care. The best day ever.
February 2010
- doesn't know why she's watching a documentary on 911. That will be one sleepless night tonight.
- day off tomorrow... happy times!
- attempt no. 56,839 to clean this shithole.
- is going to have a translating gig on Monday! Happy days!
- is going to clean old people's toilets till the rest of her days. (T-T)
- won't get the job she wanted :(
- doesn't understand foreign people living in England for years and still having shitty English. Quite literally..
- wants to see From Paris With Love so bad.
- after like 20 years of watching Grease found out Lorenzo Lamas stars in it.
- what the fuck is this supposed to be? fucking snow, go away and let me go to work...
- Oh no! Manchester got Capicorn, them bastards!
- seriously needs money to buy a flight ticket to Prague. Another 30 SECONDS TO MARS concert desperately needed.
- cannot believe how cool the 30 SECONDS TO MARS concert was. All the songs, moves, relocations, surprises.
- has no voice left, was singing more than jared leto. Bless him for being so insecure, it was the first concert of the tour.
- Also, I think the Leto brothers of 30 SECONDS TO MARS are made of pure materialised sex. Hot hot hot. (Tomo too)
- Let me just say this about that, going to a rock concert with your mommy is a fail. Not a cool one. Just a fail.
- needs to sleep :(
- just a couple of hours till jared leto and the hawk!
- wishes she was dead or at least was able to walk on hands.
- didn't come across a proper job for two months, but now she's having a double shift tomorrow.
- thinks the British plumbing is a joke.
- has never seen a sadder thing than the Grey's Anatomy fifth season's last episode.
- is going to work some more so she'll hopefully be able to pay her rent like a normal person this month.
- is munching on Bananky.
- damn you hell's kitchen, damn you for being so addictive! let me go to sleep!
- is so happy.
- thinks easyJet better be kidding. I've waited a whole month for them to reply and I just got an e-mail just saying sorry. W T F?
- cannot believe there are *some* people who have actually never heard of Interview With The Vampire.
- wtf, it is snowing?
- would like to thank everybody for their support for quitting smoking.
- found a perfect job and wants it so bad.
- is working Saturday night! But needs more, keep it coming!
- Yippy-ki-yay!
- is watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and think Dick Van Dyke has always been extremely hot.
- is lunch-less :(
- is so effin depressed :(
- changed her covering letter completely today.
- if you don't know about a job for me then stop asking if I have one yet...
January 2010
is watching the second season of Hell's Kitchen, love it love it love it.
is still wide awake.
now knows exactly what the problem with her shoulder is and is going to stick to guitar hero instead of just dance.
is going to eat! And eat and eat and eat!
people are damn quick in this street...
I'm not being funny,but 2 weeks and still no reply to the e-mail. Or calling back. I know you cancelled a lot, but come on.
the day starts nice - with random messages from people telling me I owe money that I don't owe sent from a withheld number... fishy...
is knackered.
thanks everybody for their lovely messages and especially Bronwen for her secret birthday bash. Love you babe.
will be afford to see 30 SECONDS TO MARS and jared leto if the tickets are not sold out! Happy birthday to me, yay!
had her last fag. Grumpy times await.
the guy who built the entrance to The Roundhouse right behind the train station must have been a complete idiot...
3 minute call and all my credit is gone, damn you rude bullies from HM Revenue!
How long do I have to wait before somebody replies to my refund claim? It's been unnoticed for more than a week now :-/
is looking forward to The Roundhouse today (if she manages to find it of course).
just wants to work :(
Spriiiiing, spring is here, SPRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!
is very much love with Hell’s Kitchen.
has just two pictures left in her camera and seriously needs the new product to be launched.
needs a frikkin job asap.
is not amused by this ridiculous day.
OMFG it is snowing again :(
- "Let's make love!" - "This function is available only in the registered version."
is hungry!
just found a complete soundtrack to Hair in Czech on her hard drive and has no idea how or when it got there.
cannot move :(
is sitting in London with her chai tea latte and cannot wait to get home to write a big fat complaint and compensation claim. And unpack!!!
is watching the snow fall on a very thick 6-inch layer of some more snow and is wondering how the hell she is getting home.
is going to party like there's no 25-hour drive tomorrow.
things I do for love, my god
will have to go on the bus :'( :'( :'( :'(
is in doubt and thinks the farewell to her lover wasn't for long.
is flying back home tonight. Hopefully.
needs to pack her stuff and get ready for her flight.
does not want to go anywhere, just to stay in Frank's bed.
likes her vodka. Happy European times.
Happy New Year!
is still wide awake.
now knows exactly what the problem with her shoulder is and is going to stick to guitar hero instead of just dance.
is going to eat! And eat and eat and eat!
people are damn quick in this street...
I'm not being funny,but 2 weeks and still no reply to the e-mail. Or calling back. I know you cancelled a lot, but come on.
the day starts nice - with random messages from people telling me I owe money that I don't owe sent from a withheld number... fishy...
is knackered.
thanks everybody for their lovely messages and especially Bronwen for her secret birthday bash. Love you babe.
will be afford to see 30 SECONDS TO MARS and jared leto if the tickets are not sold out! Happy birthday to me, yay!
had her last fag. Grumpy times await.
the guy who built the entrance to The Roundhouse right behind the train station must have been a complete idiot...
3 minute call and all my credit is gone, damn you rude bullies from HM Revenue!
How long do I have to wait before somebody replies to my refund claim? It's been unnoticed for more than a week now :-/
is looking forward to The Roundhouse today (if she manages to find it of course).
just wants to work :(
Spriiiiing, spring is here, SPRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!
is very much love with Hell’s Kitchen.
has just two pictures left in her camera and seriously needs the new product to be launched.
needs a frikkin job asap.
is not amused by this ridiculous day.
OMFG it is snowing again :(
- "Let's make love!" - "This function is available only in the registered version."
is hungry!
just found a complete soundtrack to Hair in Czech on her hard drive and has no idea how or when it got there.
cannot move :(
is sitting in London with her chai tea latte and cannot wait to get home to write a big fat complaint and compensation claim. And unpack!!!
is watching the snow fall on a very thick 6-inch layer of some more snow and is wondering how the hell she is getting home.
is going to party like there's no 25-hour drive tomorrow.
things I do for love, my god
will have to go on the bus :'( :'( :'( :'(
is in doubt and thinks the farewell to her lover wasn't for long.
is flying back home tonight. Hopefully.
needs to pack her stuff and get ready for her flight.
does not want to go anywhere, just to stay in Frank's bed.
likes her vodka. Happy European times.
Happy New Year!
December 2009
- is looking forward to day three of partying.
- chilling out in her new bargain heels in her lover's bed.
- can't believe she's in orange bar again. Home sweet home.
- drank coffee after a long, long time... And now is really far, far away from falling asleep.
- ate so much stuff it's unbelievable. Time to move to Prague, probably.
- is feeling much better and planning the rest of her stay in Cheque-land :)
- is still so blody sick and feverish, but is glad that she's home with her lover.
- will be at least 35 minutes delayed,but hopefully still flying home.
- finally managed to download the whole Closure and now is watching Trent Reznor in that sexy S&M outfit from Close. Merry Xmas to me!
- is scared. Another Prague flight cancelled today.
- thinks her neighbors should better be joking.
- for the first time in three days there has finally been an easyJet flight to Prague
- hopefully, the easyJet nightmare is over, as the Venice flight was delayed just 10 minutes today, not 3 hours like yesterday...
- there's not a single more effective remedy to depression than buying shoes
- is going to try getting home on the 24 December. Should be there at 17:30.
- is fucking tired with British news talking about the heavy snowing - there's like a centimeter of snow in here, not like 40 cm like at home.
- wishes merry fucking christmas to the lazy easyjet crew and hopes their christmas trees and presents burn.
- is going to leave Derbyland in a couple of minutes and set off to the country of the Czech.
- is actually thinking about watching Dirty Dancing twice tonight.
- wtf, Britanny Murphy died today!
- f***ing hates Christmas.
- is looking forward to her Polaroid camera. Yay! Just a couple of days!
- snowball fight in our pjs, maybe there's something good about winter in the end
- needs to find a job before she turns to Fatty McFat again :(
- is watching Dances with Wolves! Yay!
- needs to remember that if you want to deal with the rapidshare muppets, you have to be nasty to them. Politeness doesn't get you anywhere.
- is cooking some butternut squash soup, yum yum yum.
- Oh the weather outside is frightful and the snow is sure unsightful! In case you didn't know - I hate snow, I hate snow, I hate snow!
- is really annoyed with the muppets working at Rapidshare.
- as I let the thought 'fuck it's going to snow' in, it started snowing. and i mean it, fuck this shit. fuck.
- finally managed to watch the whole Pride and Prejudice miniseries.
- is so not happy she didn't get paid by her ex-job again and doubts she'll ever see the bond.
- is saving for a Mac from now on. Fucking PCs.
- didn't do anything all day long - the bliss of unemployment.
- is so bloody stupid.
- hopes the prices of the tickets didn't go higher.
- is so dumb it makes her laugh.
- what the hell is with everybody getting married? is the world really ending in 2012 or what?
- knows she's going to freeze her ass off if she's going down there for christmas.
- most people write lists of things they want for christmas... I'm just looking forward to bringing another 20 kg of stuff I already have, lol
- the gay boy won X Factor, lol
- is a sheep in the herd and is watching X Factor.
- was just told that fish fingers are supposed to be baked, not fried, how crazy is that?
- haha, how awesome was Robbie on X Factor? even though he messed up the beginning, big time, lol
- wants to go to Maysum, but has no money :(
- is well tempted to actually buy the new 30 SECONDS TO MARS album instead of downloading it.
- Happy Hanukkah everybody!
- wants her eye to stop hurting.
- is back with the crying terminator look, yay!
- is not happy about the prices of plane tickets.
- cannot wait till January for more Heroes.
- omg, the Heroes plot is starting to be really confusing.
- there's not a better breakfast than watching Resident Evil right after you wake up LOL
- couldn't wake up, but dreamt some pretty heavy stuff last night. But she knows what she wants now - to go to the zoo and snowboarding LOL
- is seriously dumb.
- is finally going to watch ISolated INcident. Yay!
- has to go shopping in one of the Iceland Foodstores. Stupid TV adverts.
- it's all about mince pies.
- is probably going shopping even though she has no idea what to shop for anymore.
- needs to stop touching her phone when she's drunk or sleeping.
- I haven't done this in years but I'm doing it again. I've been lying a lot lately. There is nothing like a good lie. (watching dane cook)
- stupid Track 7, complicating her life :(
- loves Indian food.
- needs to find Track 07 :(
- should really start acting her age coz her free pass for no hungovers seems to be gone.
- is a pro at drinking.
- doesn't understand how she managed to lose all the weight without losing the size of her boobs. Annoying!
- needs to focus.
- would like to watch a version of the Steadfast Tin Soldier, bud cannot find anything pretty enough.
- wish me luck.
- is not happy that the winter is here and is really afraid that it might snow.
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