- is moving on Thursday!
- Wish us luck tomorrow 10am!
- internet in Bronwen's house, yay! hopefully the last day of homelessness on Monday, yay!
- is sat with Frank in the Arboretum watching pidgeons mate.
- has been up for more than 31 hours now but got to hold a newborn baby.
- is on her way to pick up her dearest lover!
- is so excited and cannot hide it!
- can't believe there's less than 24 hours to go!
- this time tomorrow my boyfriend will be in Venice!
- just got a reply for a flat in Derby city centre and would actually cry if she got to live there...
- house almost ready to be abandoned... still none to move to :-/
- is half dead... energy drink number three today...
- right, energy drink - check, dawson's creek - check, dinner - pending, packing - pending...
- last episode of Muneca Brava... Sad times :( Dawson's Creek, here I come!
- loves her job so much it makes her want to cry.. Happy times!
- thinks she won't get much sleep in the following five days.
- is there anybody out there who knows how to get to Ivy Health School / Ivy House School in Littleover?
- this time next week my boyfriend will finally be over here :)
- is very sorry that she didn't catch the person who decided to stick a BNP flyer through her letterbox. They'd get a bit of my French too...
- another step closer to becoming the nightmare of telesales people... telling +420234130399 to fuck off without even waiting for a greeting..
- PMS = positive mind slip, I cry like three times a day
- finally cried her way to her April salary.
- Dirty Dancing, yay!
- still no salary, I am actually feeling sick
- Alexander <3
- booked some viewings today, yay!
- comic book movie night or how to fuck up my sleeping regime completely yet again
- fuck, the flat we wanted is gone :(
- still wants to cry every time anything connected to parents comes to her mind.
- feels like proper shit. Wrapped in more shit.
- is not happy as she's been informed again how much of a disappointment she is to her parents. And that she shouldn't be snarky and take it.
- Requiem For a Dream, yet again...
- noooo, no storms, please
- loves listening to the polish couple two doors down arguing. Hearing kurva every two minutes feels like home.
- is still so hot... and in just a couple of hours my bed will turn into a frying pan again...
- screw skin cancer, I'm gonna get baked like a jacket potato today
- is wondering if she's enough of a fame whore to go and make up something for the Embarrasing Bodies team. Or just check out Dr Christian.
- why cannot I get paid like a normal person :(
- never thought there could be anything hotter than Jared Leto in Fight Club... well, How to Start a Fight Club by SuicideGirls - hot hot hot
- is there anybody out there who would like to give / lend me some PHANTOM VALLEY books?
- not only is this day shity, my knee decided to fuck me off as well
June 2010
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